In the first and second parts we learned how to use Gradle as a DevOps "glue" for your existing tools and various scripts. Specifically, you can use Gradle to structure your DevOps logic into tasks and their dependencies. Also we learned how to set parameters for these these tasks. In this part, we will discuss how to do actual stuff: execute commands locally and remotely, call external scripts and tools.

Although Grade is initially designed to work with local files - as a build tool it needs to identify changed inputs and update outputs respectively - it also can be used to control remote systems.

Local Operations

The simplest way to execute a local script or executable binary is using the execute() method that Groovy adds to the String and List classes. For example:

task provision {
    doLast {
        "./ ${server}".execute()    (1)
1 In Groovy, you can call execute() for any String. Alternatively, you can use execute for a List: ["./", server].execute()

In the example above, we execute the local script that is located in the same directory with the Gradle build file. The execute() method returns an instance of the Process class, so you can use its methods such as waitFor() (waits for the process to terminate), exitValue() (returns the exit value for the process) or getText() (returns the standard output from the process as a string):

task provision {
    doLast {
        def process = "./ ${server}".execute()
        println process.text
        if (process.exitValue()) {
            throw new GradleException("./ returned ${process.exitValue()}")

Alternatively, you can use the built-in Exec task in Gradle:

task provision(type: Exec) {
    commandLine "./"

Gradle has other built-in tasks, such as Copy, Delete, Sync, Zip, and so on

Remote Operations

For remote operations, Gradle is perfect for systems that have remote APIs with corresponding Java libraries or bindings. For example, you can use Gradle AWS Plugin to manage AWS resources. Gradle SSH Plugin is the perfect tool for general purpose operations on remote servers. It support parallel operations, local and remote port forwarding, and ssh gateways to connect to a remote server through one or more gateway servers.

Let’s implement a simple Gradle task to show server uptime:

plugins {
    id 'org.hidetake.ssh' version '2.9.0'   (1)

ssh.settings {
    knownHosts = allowAnyHosts              (2)

remotes {
    node {                                  (3)
        host = ''
        user = 'ubuntu'
        password = 'ubuntu'

task nodeUptime {
    doLast { {
            session(remotes.node) {
                execute "uptime"            (4)
1 Add the Gradle SSH plugin to your script (Gradle will download all required dependencies)
2 Accept keys for all host
3 Set SSH connection parameters
4 Execute uptime on the remote server

You can use the task nodeUptime to show server uptime:

$ gradle nodeUptime
Host key checking is off. It may be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
node#1| 20:37:53 up 119 days, 10:21,  0 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.23, 0.47

1 actionable task: 1 executed

If you have multiple servers, then you may want to implement similar task for each server. Let’s start from defining connection parameters for each node:

plugins {
    id 'org.hidetake.ssh' version '2.9.0'

ssh.settings {
    knownHosts = allowAnyHosts

remotes {
    node1 {
        host = ''
        user = 'ubuntu'
        password = 'ubuntu'
    node2 {
        host = ''
        user = 'ubuntu'
        password = 'ubuntu'


    node10 {
        host = ''
        user = 'ubuntu'
        password = 'ubuntu'

Instead of defining similar task manually for each node (imagine that we have 100 nodes instead!), let’s write a simple Groovy code that generates 10 tasks. The previous example continues:

remotes.each { remote ->                                        (1)
    task "${}Uptime" {                               (2)
        description "Shows uptime for server ${}"    (3)
        doLast {
                session(remote) {
                    execute "uptime"                            (4)
1 Iterate through defined servers
2 Define a new task, using a server name
3 Set a task description, using a server name
4 Execute uptime on a remote server

Let’s check that our script contains the tasks:

$ gradle tasks --all
node1Uptime - Shows uptime for server node1
node10Uptime - Shows uptime for server node10

1 actionable task: 1 executed

For this specific example, where all the hosts are similar, you can also use Groovy code to generate hosts definitions. The following code generates the same definitions of the nodes from the previous example:

remotes {
    (1..10).each { n ->
        "node${n}" {
            host = "192.168.1.${n}"
            user = "ubuntu"
            password = "ubuntu"

You can use these tasks to show uptime for specific servers:

$ gradle node1Uptime node2Uptime
node1#1| 20:37:53 up 119 days, 10:21,  0 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.23, 0.47
node2#1| 20:37:53 up 119 days, 10:21,  0 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.25, 0.51

If you need to check uptime for all of the servers, then you can define a task that depends on each individual task:

task nodesUptime {
    description "Shows uptime for all servers"
    remotes.each { remote ->
        dependsOn "${}Uptime"
$ gradle nodesUptime
node1#1| 20:37:53 up 119 days, 10:21,  0 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.23, 0.47
node2#1| 20:37:53 up 119 days, 10:21,  0 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.25, 0.51
10 actionable tasks: 10 executed

The task works, but not very efficient: it connects to one host per time. You can use another implementation that uses parallel SSH connections:

task nodesUptime {
    description "Shows uptime for all servers"
    doLast {
        def results = {                                         (1)
            remotes.each { remote ->                                    (2)
                session(remote) {
                    def output = execute("uptime", logging: "none")     (3)
                    return [name:, output: output]          (4)
        results.each {                                                  (5)
            println "${}: ${it.output}"
1 Run several SSH sessions in parallel and wait for their termination
2 Define SSH session per server
3 Execute uptime on a remote server and store its output
4 Return a map with server name and uptime
5 Iterate through the map and print results

Now the task works 10 times faster:

node1:  21:32:21 up 119 days, 11:15,  0 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.13, 0.15
node10:  21:32:21 up 119 days, 11:15,  0 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.13, 0.15

1 actionable task: 1 executed

There is nothing special here, you can do the same using, for example, Ansible or Salt. However, if your team is already using Gradle as a build tool, then it can be very convenient to use Gradle for basic operations on remote servers as well. Also, you can use Gradle as a high-level orchestration tool: you can call your favorite configuration management tool from Gradle script and you can use that Gradle script from Jenkins job.

The examples in the article have been tested with Gradle 4.0.1. Starting from Gradle 3.0 you can use Kotlin to write build scripts. Gradle’s Groovy support is not deprecated, and will continue to be supported.